Hello readers! Thanks for stopping in. I wanted to let everyone know about the new
FACEBOOK PAGE that we setup to help underground musicians share their music & get more exposure. We all know how hard it is these days to promote our own music. Everyone has their own agendas & have busy schedules so we need to get creative. People have short attention spans especially when they might only be online for short periods of time. Point being, we all could use some help from like-minded people.
If you share your music link, only the people in your friend list will see the post (assuming they haven't blocked your posts) and of those people, a very small percentage will actually take the time to click your link & really listen to one of your tracks. Occasionally you get a true fan that will actually listen to every track you have posted & share the links with their friends - which is awesome! That's when the viral effect takes place.
Let's say you have 500 friends on facebook & maybe you have a friend that has 1,000 friends on Facebook. When that friend shares your link, you just went from a 500 person audience to a 1,500 person audience. That's quite a difference! Take it even further and say one of those 1,000 people shares the link to their wall & they might have even more friends. All in all, shares & likes really make a difference when someone is trying to be heard.
We made the new Facebook Page (which is called
Tripplebeam Music Promotions) to try to help people achieve this level of 'viral' activity on Facebook. We want to grow the page likes to expand our reach to better serve the page members. If you are reading this right now & you like music or maybe you are an underground artist yourself - it's your DUTY to at least share this post or any post like it. We need to unite and help the underground music artists get the attention they deserve. Too many people these days fall into the 'mainstream' trap. Our youth is being swallowed whole by the fake, manufactured music industry. When our children look up to these illuminati puppets like Lil Wayne, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj & the countless others - we know that we need to do our part to change it. If you don't understand how the music industry works or who controls all the puppets, I encourage you to do your homework. It's very easy to look up documentaries on Youtube like
THIS ONE. These mainstream artists basically sell their souls to be rich & famous then they deliver the messages to the masses (subliminally or outright). The record labels own them & tell them what to say, how to act in public, what to wear, etc. They are willing to steer the youth down a bad path & act like it's 'normal' or the 'right' way to live & act. It's embarrassing when these kids wear their pants around their knees with their asses hanging out of their skin tight jeans because Lil Wayne portrays it as 'cool'. Or the youngsters who see these Rap artists (if that's what you want to call them) selling drugs, making money, & shooting people - and they think it's cool. They want to be like the 'fakes' they see on TV or in these Rap videos. Our goal as underground artists is to spread a more positive message & avoid the mainstream, record label trap. Of course we'd all love to make some extra income through our musical work if possible, but it's not our main goal (at least not mine).
I said it in Vs. 2 on our track '
SPOTLIGHT'... "so get the spotlight off me kid I got my own shine. I'm doin me I'll never sell my soul for dollar signs... Don't want no record deal, you could say that I hate snakes, stabbin you in the back but full of smiles when you face to face.."
I don't want to keep beating a dead horse but please take a second out of your time & share a link! If we work together & unite, anything is possible. Thanks for reading & have a good day.